Erasmus Plus and its inclusive approaches
Erasmus Plus, the European Union’s program for training, youth, sport and education, enables the implementation of European projects. Indeed, one of the priorities of European programs is inclusion. This means offering opportunities to young people who do not necessarily have the same chance as other young people.
In the context of Erasmus Plus Youth, inclusion projects refer to projects aimed at people who are less advantaged or who face health problems or a disability situation. All this aims to promote a Europe of differences, to allow everyone to access certain training and have the opportunity to take part in the creation of European values.
Erasmus Plus wants to be part of a broad framework of the Europe 2020 strategy, to implement a sustainable and inclusive growth in the EU that will continue to accelerate, and aim for an even smarter growth.
Diversity and inclusion need to be factors at all stages of project management. This includes promotion, project selection, evaluation and dissemination of results, as well as support to applicants.
Youth exchanges are an opportunity to meet new people, to get to know each other, as well as to acquire a new experience of international mobility and all this, in the reassuring framework of a group. It is a kind of training experience that will create the most favorable conditions for learning, discussing issues of inclusion for example, culture, sports and many other areas.
There are also other projects for the inclusion of young people, allowing youth workers to improve their skills and knowledge. This will allow them to exchange and train professionally, while helping them in their work.
Espamob wishes to participate and help you to set up your mobilities, to allow the greatest number of people to access these mobility schemes. This is why we make sure to define the feasibility of the project together, to place the young people in trustworthy companies, while taking care of the logistics such as transport and accommodation on site, as well as managing the administrative papers and the follow-up of the mobility on site. It is important for us to develop a tailor-made project to allow young people to have a unique experience.
A mobility project can inevitably cause certain fears and questions, especially among the parents of young people with disabilities and the institutions in charge of them. This is why we are here to answer your questions and to clarify points that may not be very clear to you. Do not hesitate to contact us right here ! You can also find on the internet the Erasmus Plus Youth guide which may help you to better understand the whole system and discover the testimonies of some young people!