Erasmus 2021-2027: Improved objectives
This year, Erasmus is aiming high by expanding its budgets, its offers and its operating system. The Erasmus+ program will keep its usual areas: youth, sport, education and training. However, the total budget has been increased to €26.2 billion. The envelope is therefore 80% larger with a 2021 budget estimated at 2453.5 million euros.
Of this budget, 88% or 2153 million euros will be devoted to education and training, 10% or 244 million euros will be devoted to youth and 2% or 41 million euros will be devoted to sport.
This budget increase is intended to propose and support new goals and strategies such as inclusion, digital and green.
The objective of inclusion is to offer access to Erasmus+ offers to people with fewer opportunities for access, such as people with disabilities, those who are excluded or discriminated against, those who are failing at school or those in geographical areas that are more difficult to access.
The digital objective is a primary objective to be implemented in 2021, particularly due to Covid-19 and the uncertainty of this pandemic. The Erasmus program is therefore developing its course resources by offering 100% digital courses and online learning platforms.
The objective of ecology is also a primary objective in 2021, in a society where the environment has become a great concern. The program is therefore committed to include actions that promote the ecological transition.
The innovation of this program also includes new opportunities that meet the needs of individual students and universities. These opportunities are divided into two key actions:
The first: to facilitate the mobility of individuals
This objective will be met by facilitating access to the course through mobility that can be done virtually. Additional funding will be available for students with fewer resources or who use a more environmentally friendly means of transport. The Erasmus+ program will also offer short-term mobility projects, from 6 to 18 months.
The second: innovation
For its 2021-2027 program, Erasmus has developed many partnerships in the field of education, vocational training and education. These partnerships will cover all the activities funded.
As you can see, the Erasmus+ program is full of ambition, new features and more accessible to all. It was launched on January 1, 2021 and will last until 2027.
Espamob’ is here to help you and accompany you in your Erasmus+ mobilities. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!